yunjing is my big name.
06091994 is the day i land on earth.You should know how old
i am,unless u dun know how to subtract 1994 from 2009.
If you really happen to be so,go back to primary school then.
Apparently,YishunTown is the school i learn how to talk lots of crab crap,3e7 is the class i am in.
HandWritten on; 7:49 PM
What pet animal is like you? Your Result: Cat You might prefer to be be indoors or out,You like many foods such as fish, chicken ect.Your either lazy or active in many diffirent ways o.O You either like dogs or hate them but thats up to you.
Mouse | |
Snake | |
Dog | |
Lizerd/Turtle/Fish | |
Hamster/Rat/Gerbal | |
What pet animal is like you? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
arhde, I SO LOVE DOGS!
HandWritten on; 8:56 PM
'At last...my sis was back from china..kind of missed her alot when she's not around...maybe already get used to her voices everywhere at home..she's quite talkative sometimes when she feels like talking... will talk to you non-stop about everything that has happened to her.. though sometimes I didn't really concentrate to listen of what she was saying..(hahaha..) 'copy and paste from my sis's blog
How could you! Am i that talkative?! NO right? Maybe sometimes, but i am willing to entertain you with my crabs. You should concentrate on what i say! Know why? Because, one day, what i will say is gonnna become a famous phrases everywhere. I am gonna made my words go FAMOUS! WAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
HandWritten on; 8:26 PM
Isn't Xanxus shuai?! Say yes!!!
Kaixin mistook him as yamamoto. Aiyo, kaixin! How could you mistook this handsome guy as Yamamoto?! Though yamamoto is handsome too. Ha, he's hot!
HandWritten on; 8:19 PM
Should i count myself lucky or what?!
I am one of the three to participate the inter unit knowledge quiz. Oh crap, my history is bad,super bad. I feel so stressed, hope we can get top top!!!! GOOD LUCK to zhengquan, liwei and aihui! Whoo!
HandWritten on; 8:12 PM
Let's talk crap.
Firstly, I SO WANNA GO TO...
3.SEE ALL THE AMAZINGS STRUCTURES(etc, pyramids, effiel tower and so on)
haha,enough of the craps.
Ya, today we have our biology SPA! Damn fun and disgusted! I love it! I wanna disect frog! I wanna see it's heart! Bombombombom!!!!
HandWritten on; 12:04 PM
I came back from SEC 3 camp safe and sound! CHEER_________.......
I brought gd news!
1.My body is not aching! WHy? Because it's whole lot easier thean atc!
2. I m back!
3. 3e7 won d best class identity award. CHEER!!!!!!
3e6 won the best class T award! CHEER!!!!!!!
3e3 won the best class cheer award! CHEER!!!!!
3e2 won the best flag design award! CHEER!!!!!!
3e5 won the best campfire performance award.
Kay,enough. Let's have some reflections. Well,after this camp, i am more enthu! CHEER!!!
I talk more crab,lobster,prawns,octopus!
I am more sleepy!
I have difficulties projecting my voice coz cough.
I very lucky coz i can't see chunyong and kianwee at the third day.
I got myself one YUNJING clap from darlyna. IT GOES -cLaP * MY MUM'S* and *so LAME*
U know why? Coz at the resort, darlyna was asking whom does the thing belongs to. I kept saying mu mum's. SO i got myself one MY MUM'S clap. Then later i talked lots of lame stuff and i got myself a LAME chop.
HandWritten on; 5:28 PM
Oh my god,GOD,GOD! I have finally finished typing the proposal,well is part of the proposal. Tomorrow is the deadline le,oh shit, wish we'll not be scolded.