yunjing is my big name.
06091994 is the day i land on earth.You should know how old
i am,unless u dun know how to subtract 1994 from 2009.
If you really happen to be so,go back to primary school then.
Apparently,YishunTown is the school i learn how to talk lots of crab crap,3e7 is the class i am in.
HandWritten on; 6:53 PM
There's training tomorrow. Crap,I still have to polish my boots, and put my badges and buttons back. Lots of things are not done yet. Eh, i have done that liao actually. Seriously, i m not looking forward for tomorrow's drill session but the shooting session!!!!
HandWritten on; 6:47 PM
Great the chinese test,i got only a B3. Fine! I went to 'emo' mode and guess what sinyee was the one who cheer me up. The funny thing was we both scored B3 and instead of 'emoing' together, she went super hyper. Oh crap, crap chinese. I don't mind going to 3/6 for chinese lessons though because i don't like this chinese teacher anyway. I prefered miss wong loh. T_T SObs..
HandWritten on; 8:52 PM
73236859 4 9368 86 733 94's 3743637837. 94 343 668 873283 367 256678 256678 2 9327. 94 78455 7362467 46 69 43278.
HandWritten on; 8:44 PM
She don't seem to be that kind of person. What dun laugh la,stand in their shoes. I do agree but i can't believe she actually did that u know. I don't know that she's the person that is so weak in mentally. Wo diepo le yan jing. Is she really that kind of person? Eh,maybe she is. Maybe she isn't,she just wanna...act? This remains unknown u know..
HandWritten on; 8:37 PM
HI here to blog. TOday's chinese new year celebration. It is not fun and trust me,u will sleep during d performance.
HandWritten on; 3:30 PM
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HandWritten on; 3:06 PM
HandWritten on; 2:58 PM


DON'T GIVE ME THAT FACE!!! I have a very important thing i wanted to say!
BLEACH is totally gonna be out of my life!

Shocked to hear that?

I found a more interesting anime than u! IT's KIBA and KATEKYO HITMAN REBORN!
HandWritten on; 2:53 PM
HandWritten on; 2:50 PM

Take your own sweet time? Walk somemore,walk somemore?! Knock it down,down 50!

Still take your bloody sweet time?! Touch your waterbottle and stay there forever!
HandWritten on; 4:55 PM

isn't him cool!!!!! He's tsuna!!!! From katekyo hitman reborn.
Guess what? He is the former vongola head!!
HandWritten on; 1:59 PM
i m here again!!! hello,hello!! Oh i really dun like this computer. Not dun like it, nut this microsoft vista really makes me pekchek.. It keeps asking me whether to continue this installation. Bish the vista thing..
HandWritten on; 10:53 PM
Natassja went emo today. Chuanwan also. Aiya, almost everyone in NPCC are having a conflict. WHY?
HandWritten on; 10:49 PM
We are having PE. TOOT,first we have torturing stretching. Next frog leaps. That's super super crap. Immendiately after that, i have difficulties standing up straight and going down the stairs..
HandWritten on; 10:06 PM
It's the project R.I.C.E CIP. We are expected to fall in at 7am. Jiawei and i reached school and we saw a group of Abengs sitting outside the school. No,don't get the wron idea,not riot,and not rebelling too. It's just that the main gate is not opened. Iskander was there,standing beside the pole. Great,he wore shorts.Aren't we supposed to standadise our attire? We joined them,you know, we sat down.
[ As we see now,the chinese have outnumbered the malays by 3 times. The atmosphere was so tense and it looked like a riot was about to break out between the two groups.Then a backup of the malays came.It was khairul. But he happened to be on our side! The chinese have already outnumber them!!!!] STUP UP!!!
Somehow we went ahead to discuss about the NCO camp. It's iskander whom we were talking about. He always act 'WEAK'. GOD,he is a guy!!! He was late for the camp for 1 day! Crap,the second day when we were having the campcraft session,he turned up. Miss yap ordered him to stand right in front of us. Then miss yap went to scold iskander.
[Grey clouds made its way towards iskander. He did nothing but stayed stood rooted onto the ground. Lightning and thunder went boom,boom! Strong gust of wind crept closer to him too. As he came in to a closer distanc ewith the gust, his face went totally crumpled! 3_V AM I GOING TO DIE??? ] Not that exaggerating actually..

His face went that crumpled you know. It seems like he was forcing himself to cry. That's not all, he did cried on the same day, which is several hours later. We were told to changed to full u,and he did not brought along his boots to camp. So,he got scolded by a CI. CI went shouting straight at him. What he did was-crumpled face-act sick-act tired-act weak-then cried. TOOOT,WALAU. please lar,that's only few minutes of scolding and he cried?! That's too TOOOT loh.. Just a bit of scoldings he had to cry,then what about the rest of us whom reported at the first day of the camp!!!! Shit him..
Well, we were divided into 3 areas and 3 divisions each.. For area 1, the temporary check point is at greenwood primary school. We waited damn long there.
'Oh,jiawei and kaixin! Stop lesbian-ing!!!'
I am in the same group with celia,kenny,khailiang,kenny and zhengquan. ya,the process of collecting rice was damn fun.. I really enjoy it. ANd,and the uncooked rice smell so nice!!!
HandWritten on; 8:55 PM
It's first day of school,man! The sun is scorching bright and... HEY!!OUt of topic! Well, its's a bran dnew year and there's a new class and new teachers. EH, so far our teachers are:
FT-MIss Tan
Eng-Ms Shameem
Maths-Ms Tan
Phy-Mr WEe
Chem-Mdm Chan
BIo-Ms Pau
Chi-Ms Soh
Geo/HIst-Ms Chiang
Okay,i realised that i have been in the same class with Mengchen for 2 years. If I include this year,then it would be three years liao..COOL!!
HandWritten on; 3:53 PM
here to post.Eh,spent 5 days in school and not bad,isn't good neither. well,quite busy with homeworks,so i guess i wun be touching this blog for a long time.hehe
HandWritten on; 11:30 PM
This will be a very short post,coz i wanna sleep le. Well, i will update tomorrow then.. KACHING!!!