yunjing is my big name.
06091994 is the day i land on earth.You should know how old
i am,unless u dun know how to subtract 1994 from 2009.
If you really happen to be so,go back to primary school then.
Apparently,YishunTown is the school i learn how to talk lots of crab crap,3e7 is the class i am in.
HandWritten on; 3:57 PM
foR the past 3 days of suffering...27,28,29, i am back home at one piece.. OK,let's go through the process...
27 DECEMBER 2008 morningWe fall in at 7.30am that morning for the inter-unit game. Guess what,SJAB members were at the parade square playing floor ball. When we fall in,they were still playing. After reporting, they were still playing. They were like..I just don't know what to say.. Especially most of the SJAB girls!!! They will always chase after the ball,whole group of them,and THEY ALWAYS SCREAM!!!! I was like what the hell... Why they have to scream everytime?! Is the ball filled with poison? THe ball isn't an idol or what superstar... Fine,not that i don't scream,but it is when there's scary things,you know... I really can't dahan theor screamings.. I feel like giving them each a tight slap..SKIP that
There's two catergaries of games- archery and fifteen-legged race. ARCHERY was organised by BB,they won and got to keep the trophy.. As for the fifteen-legged race,it was a disaster!! 15 people,legs tied together and we still have to race.. blahblah..WE lost..
for the rest of the days,not fun,and sibei tiring.. WE have friends complaining that their camp is very tiring like the F5673623 and J223596. I feel like giving them a tight pull on their hair.. Please lar,if that's toruture i dun kinda believe,it's too exaggerating lor.. F trained in aircon room,J dun have to do pumpings..WHAT the HELL,they have the fave to say it's tiring!!! BOX them..Tell j go STC,she surely fall out lor!!!CUrse****GRRR,filled with anger..
HandWritten on; 3:34 PM
I have finally completed my work..at least.. I still have to print out the work,that's all...ANd th eextra work- searching of history of SPF!!!
Phew,finally.. Tomorrow is christmas already!!! THen another 2 more days will be the camp le!!! GOD BLESS,hope that i can survive throughout the whole camp!!
HandWritten on; 3:27 PM
I have finished watching IL JI MAE!!!! But, somehow i don't quite like the ending.. THey did not tell who's that toothless kid anyway..Whether boog seng or that missy is yong choosing.. DIAO.. Overall, It's a nice show!!!
HandWritten on; 3:23 PM
Done some doodo-ings..
HandWritten on; 3:16 PM
3 days back, i went to collect the scholarship..+ 300 dollars!!! $_$ KACHING!!!!!

I waited, nope, we'll waited for a long time.. Whom to blame? People who reported late! Supposingly,the letter said to turn up 45 mins earlier.. But they took their own sweet time.. The ceremony only started at 12.20+.
HandWritten on; 3:10 PM

HandWritten on; 3:19 PM
Recently,i find my ear stick getting a bit lose,i tried to put the second earstick in to the hole. Guess what?! I managed it,i managed to stuff three in each hole. Then just now in the morning i tried again,but only managed to stuff four earsticks in my right ear. NOw it's three on my left,four on my right. Incredible! CLap******* LEt's try to stuff more in it!!! :)
HandWritten on; 3:04 PM
THen we went to catch twilight preview at marina square at 9.25pm

THis movie is nice!
HandWritten on; 2:40 PM
hey,yesterday i went out with my sister in the morning. First stop,HER WORKPLACE-IMM. However before that,we have to find the way to reach there right? We waited for a long time,very very long,to hail for a taxi! You know what?! There is suppose to be a cab nearby as the passenger on board on the taxi is alighting. The bad news is the taxi stop right infront of a guy whon plans to hail a cab. My sis was like 'what!!!!' -.- In the end, after a hell time we managed to hail a taxi just like what happen above.WE GOT TO BE THAT GUY IN THE SCENARIO! ha!!! I went there surfing the internet,went to watch mythbusters! Nice,yo!!!
Next,we went to popular to spent the 20% voucher from the pop club magazine! I bought a new pilot mechanical pencil,a bit of dark pink. At first i was planning to purchase a blue one, but there's only green and dark pink. I used green before, so to try a new colour,i chose dark pink.
My sis also chose a big stapler,she wanted a purple one,but ther's only blue,green,yellow and of course pink,dark pink again.Then went buzzing to the novels side to take a look. I have few books in mind- A DOG YEAR by Jon katz and CHANGE OF HEART by Jodi Picoult. I could only find JOdi Picoult's book,i wonder where's the other book.... I took one and went looking around for my sister. But, no where to be found! I went looking and found her squating going through some books, ok let's not disturb her was what i thought. SO,when it's time to pay up she bought two books too.One is RICH DAD,POOR DAD. THis book, i saw kenny ong reading it before but the book is in hard cover and it's much thinner. TOtal up cost a 50Plus,i was going through the receipt and murmuring why 20% is so less?Is there a malcalculation?! And..ya,there's 20% discount still.....-.- hai,why can't they have a 50% discount..Best is all free!!!
HandWritten on; 1:37 PM
A research on black hole.Oh that's cool!!!! ROCKS!!
A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. visible light), can escape its pull after having fallen past its event horizon. The term derives from the fact that the absorption of visible light renders the hole's interior invisible, and indistinguishable from the black space around it.
Despite its interior being invisible, a black hole may reveal its presence through an interaction with matter that lies in orbit outside its event horizon. For example, a black hole may be perceived by tracking the movement of a group of stars that orbit its center. Alternatively, one may observe gas (from a nearby star, for instance) that has been drawn into the black hole. The gas spirals inward, heating up to very high temperatures and emitting large amounts of radiation that can be detected from earthbound and earth-orbiting telescopes.[2][3] Such observations have resulted in the general scientific consensus that—barring a breakdown in our understanding of nature—black holes do exist in our universe.[4]
The idea of an object with gravity strong enough to prevent light from escaping was proposed in 1783 by John Michell,[5] an amateur British astronomer. In 1795, Pierre-Simon Laplace, a French physicist independently came to the same conclusion.[6][7] Black holes, as currently understood, are described by the general theory of relativity. This theory predicts that when a large enough amount of mass is present in a sufficiently small region of space, all paths through space are warped inwards towards the center of the volume, preventing all matter and radiation within it from escaping.
While general relativity describes a black hole as a region of empty space with a point-like singularity at the center and an event horizon at the outer edge, the description changes when the effects of quantum mechanics are taken into account. Research on this subject indicates that, rather than holding captured matter forever, black holes may slowly leak a form of thermal energy called Hawking radiation and may well have a finite life.[8][9][10] However, the final, correct description of black holes, requiring a theory of quantum gravity, is unknown.
What makes it impossible to escape a black hole?
Popular accounts commonly try to explain the black hole phenomenon by using the concept of escape velocity, the speed needed for a vessel starting at the surface of a massive object to completely clear the object's gravitational field. It follows from Newton's law of gravity that a sufficiently dense object's escape velocity will equal or even exceed the speed of light. Citing that nothing can exceed the speed of light they then infer that nothing would be able to escape such a dense object.[14] However, the argument has a flaw in that it does not explain why light would be affected by a gravitating body or why it would not be able to escape. Nor does it give a satisfactory explanation for why a powered spaceship would not be able to break free.
Two concepts introduced by Albert Einstein are needed to explain the phenomenon. The first is that time and space are not two independent concepts, but are interrelated forming a single continuum, spacetime. This continuum has some special properties. An object is not free to move around spacetime at will; it must always move forward in time and cannot change its position in space faster than the speed of light. This is the main result of the theory of special relativity.
The second concept is the base of general relativity; mass deforms the structure of this spacetime. The effect of a mass on spacetime can informally be described as tilting the direction of time towards the mass. As a result, objects tend to move towards masses. This is experienced as gravity. This tilting effect becomes more pronounced as the distance to the mass becomes smaller. At some point close to the mass, the tilting becomes so strong that all the possible paths an object can take lead towards the mass.[15] This implies that any object that crosses this point can no longer get further away from the mass, not even using powered flight. This point is called the event horizon.
HandWritten on; 1:16 PM
Yesterday, i went school with jiawei to meet up with sinyee,kaixin and jiayee. Oh,jiawei rebonded her hair! Yay!!! When sinyee first saw her hair,she said yes,no more siao woman anymore. Jiawei heard it and said stop that. Ha,damn funny,but at least sotong is back,u know.
We actually went school to pay 3 dollars for the file and notes. However it turns up that jingyong,the ic, didn't bring it,or should say he have not print it out yet! Booya,i went school also to collect the reserve books. I managed to collect 6 of them,i m still left with bio,chem and physics past year exam book. I still left 3,jiawei they all left 2. Nevermind,at least the next time i collect my chenjiu gan is more than them. Self console -.- Mind that
HandWritten on; 3:16 PM
Being tagged by FLorence,jiawei n chuanwan
I so love florence blog! I can actually copy and paste! NOT like i have never done that..SOme blogs dun allow copy and paste and i have to type everything out,which i hate most..
1.Amelia,2.cassandra,3.jiayu,4.shermin,5.wangwei,6.zhiyan,7.elaine, 8.christine ,9.jiaxiong, 10.janessa
#1.who is 6 having relationship with? probably not
#2.is 9 a male or female ? male
#3.if 7 and 10 are together,will it be a good thing? nope,that would be les le!
#4.what is 2 studying about ? dunno
#5.when was the last time you had a chat with 3? october? before i left for shandong trip
#6. what kind of music band does 8 like? not sure
#7.does 1 have any siblings? yap,mayb
#8. will you woo 3? nope
#9. how about 7? nope
#10. is 4 single ? so far,yes
#11.what is the surname of 5? wang,probably
#12.what's the hobby of 4? studying?reading?
#13.does 5 and 9 get along well? nope,they dun even noe each other
#14.where is 2 studyin at? YTSS!!!
#15.talk something casually about 1. she's funny
#16.have you tried developing feelings for 8? nope,i wun b a les
#17.where does 9 live at? admiralty
#18.What colour does 4 like? not sure,blue?
#19.are 5 and 1 best friends? nope
#20.does 7 like 2? nope,they dun even noe each other
#21.how did you get to know 2? start of the second year,when entering 2e4
#22.does 1 have any pets? no
#23.is 7 the sexiest person in the world? ya?
#24. tag 10 person to do ur quiz. above 10.
HandWritten on; 10:19 PM
oh yeah,i m back to post again! Ha,i was going through the A maths topic-indices. Is that how to spell it? Forget it, it was quite confusing at first,but i was still able to understand. It just needs to take time,ya,going through more practise ba. It is quite funny though,i have been posting for the past few months, but the number of post has not exceeded 100! Whow,that's horrible!
HandWritten on; 2:53 PM
I am back to post! Sad thing is,my old laptop died. It died despite my sis' efforts.
Oh,rest in peace SLOW TOSHIBA!
Aparrently,that's the name i thought of calling it when it passed away.
Died on 3rd December
Due to old age
Will miss you,Slow