yunjing is my big name.
06091994 is the day i land on earth.You should know how old
i am,unless u dun know how to subtract 1994 from 2009.
If you really happen to be so,go back to primary school then.
Apparently,YishunTown is the school i learn how to talk lots of crab crap,3e7 is the class i am in.
HandWritten on; 3:00 PM
Came across someone's blog.
My goosebumps starts coming up.Err..
There stated,
'Chuanstrawbeery:please cheer up!!dun be sadi will xin tong derr!!'Wat the hell,wat is this person thinking?I thought tis XXXXX is not straight!!
There's still somemore..
In the person's wish list,stated
'Wrist to recover soon' and
'Leg to recover soon'Is XXXXXacting or what.I saw this XXXXX in school everyday,and XXXXX is perfectly fine,XXXXX can still shout at the top of XXXXX's voice.From next door,i can easily hear XXXXX!
When u'r feeling down,read XXXXX's blog.You will feel better.Trust me,100% guarantee!
HandWritten on; 2:53 PM
Gift given during the wedding.
Wonder what is it inside..
Peeping still

HandWritten on; 2:47 PM
HandWritten on; 2:45 PM

Look at this!
Look at what you have done!!!!!
HandWritten on; 2:40 PM

I saw you on Friday,but i felt far from u.
HandWritten on; 2:18 PM

This is the two stuff that's on my birthday cake.LoL
I thought it was something like a candy or something soft and edible.
So,i went to poke it with the candle's butt.
U know what,it's a toy.
Mt sis kept laughing at me for this.
It's so embarrassing!!! X.V
HandWritten on; 2:11 PM

This nerdy gal was drawn by me.
It's for the mindmap for mensuration.
Stupid ha?
But i got high marks,so it's worth it.
HandWritten on; 2:02 PM

Am I seeeing things?
The light really pass through my hands!
HandWritten on; 7:48 PM
Oh my,it has been a long time i post!Bear with that exams coming,so i tink i wun b posting for a long time.What i really want to do is to share with you a good news.
'I am going to shandong!!!!!'
HandWritten on; 3:49 PM
im back..Lots of things had happened.
Things were horrible down there,at aloya changi chalet.Too horrible that i don't have comments to make.I was dazed-shocked when i reach there.I tot it would be better than what i had xpected,but it's worser than other chalets.Whole lot,worser.
It sucks,whole lot sucker.Hate it.U can't
even sleep, the problem is u r too uncomfortable to sleep!!
Forget that,moving on to the wedding.Kay,things got a little better when we move to the holiday inn to get some rest and some change b4 we move on.
lazy to mention the whole thing,but all went very smoothly.
Lastly,i m finally 14.I don't really wish to,coz i miss children day.Oh cummon,i m still stuck ther,can't i?
HandWritten on; 3:27 PM
Seriously,i find blogging no longer..To make it simpler,it's meaningless.
But,juz to let u know,i juz got a new game,tat's y i lost me interest..
really,i m ending tis right now!