yunjing is my big name.
06091994 is the day i land on earth.You should know how old
i am,unless u dun know how to subtract 1994 from 2009.
If you really happen to be so,go back to primary school then.
Apparently,YishunTown is the school i learn how to talk lots of crab crap,3e7 is the class i am in.
HandWritten on; 5:28 PM
thursdaywatch d so called movie'inconvenient truth'
quite boring..
kaixin n i almost fallen asleep..
fridayspring cleaning[30 mins]
giving out report bks+admin matters[115 mins]
lol,mr ong for no reason went to look last yr photo
n @ 1e7
n spotted me
then saying his own lame life long rules..
oh ya,taking bk of report bk.it is not bad,also nt very gd.Hai,work harder ba coz i drop 2 rank in class,bt improve d level rank by 11 ranks..
nt bad,nt bad..
streaming position 2..dropped 7 ranks..my heart pain neh,i drop.. :(
feel like crying..bt still ok,@ least @ d 1st class..
come on,work harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually,tis year i did quite gd compared to last year. last year such a mess,scoring badly,n even faling english.. through tis xperiences tat i had,i saw de so called 'true' world..
they would nt even care if u failed,they would juz go round asking which class other classmates r going..
eg. ____ heard u saying tat u failed eng. she:'oh..',and walked away. she went to asked d pther friends n asked d class they r going..
cn u imagine,u r failing d important sub, n ther she goes murmuring beside yr ear? come on, u will feel even depressed rite?
so i say,d true world outside is somehow de same like tis..
when u r sad,peo bside would b happy..
ther will always b one person hu is sad..so everyone r fighting against 1 another trying nt 2 be de sad person..so u,yrself, also hav 2 fight 4 it..same reason here
d truth is i nvr tr---t anyone xcept some
sorry ah,suddenly gt so emo n rite soo long..
saturdaynpcc neh..tent
?eh,field cooking
1st-field cooking.items r coconut husk,matchsticks
n if we used up,we hav 2 gt it by doing pumpings..
2nd-tent _______.'blister'
[is it spell tis way?!?!]
pain,very pain,super pain
lala,put plaster..still pain
duno hw 2 survive la
very pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monday nt going rod due to class outing
bt still nd hand in atc form
2mrw is showing de show_de legend..
channel u,7.30pm..
is super Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HandWritten on; 4:49 PM
wednesdaypost exam activity
sculpture walk


need help?

part of d sculpture

off we go!!!!
lol,it's not fun..and d weather is 2 hot..
HandWritten on; 5:29 PM
post exam activityscience xcursion
making of perfume n soap

soap liquid in de moulder :]

perfume n soap!!!

np after tat..
haiso,our performance ned 2 b completed by friday
coz mon is rehearsal..
[bt tat day is class outing]
bobian,go fern louge n plan everything
n saw 2 cute tortoise.cn u spot them??
not looking 4ward 4 2mrw..sculpture walk neh
everytime go 2 d same place,sian
HandWritten on; 9:51 AM
160508_Fridaythers npcc training 2day..falling in @ 1.30 in half u..
jw told me dickson nt going..n a few more wan to porn
so,blahblah we decided too
bt in de end,dickson say tat ther's a new instruction_
ther;s briefing by miss yap,those hu nvr cm,
DC straight away..
so we have no choice,bt a trick is used
leaving our ______ in class so,
we do nt hav 2 ch____e
in de end,we wore our uni throughout de training
nt 2 bad,debrief is conducted @ around 5..
de training is quite ok,bt is hot..
HOWEVERsad thing to say,we'll check our mark sheet
[all de mye marks]
hai,is all so bad.so so so so,i m so not satisfied
english @ least i pass
thers improvement 4 chi.
de rest r all _'s
loh,i hav to tink away to improve both language sub..
ahhhh,i hav no idea!!!!
SM,ther class outing on 26 may,i m nt very satisfied with de results n
u expect me to go 4 de outing..
sad,in addition,it is @ east coast
ohgod,i went ther last yr 4 CO 2 n smthing bad happen
someone saw it..
ALMOST CAN'T GO HM coz we get down de bus in de middle of de
loh,hope tat de same thing wun happen...
bless de whole class,men
HandWritten on; 1:21 PM
finally,i miss u so much!!! 2day's motive is 2 transfer some pic to thumbdrive
[4 mum's day]
a lott of things happen tis month..
1.mid year test
he laokokkok..kok his cock..only noe hw to nag
tell unrelated story to us..so UNRELATED loh..
CHICKEN!!!! nag,nag,nag,STUPID!!!
i reallty can't tolerate him..
2/7 mr goh is better than him;
handsome too..T.T
less naggy 2..
i hav been wondering y so many innocent peo gt killed by tsunami
bt nt him..
GOD,PLS..so unfair!!!!!!