yunjing is my big name.
06091994 is the day i land on earth.You should know how old
i am,unless u dun know how to subtract 1994 from 2009.
If you really happen to be so,go back to primary school then.
Apparently,YishunTown is the school i learn how to talk lots of crab crap,3e7 is the class i am in.
HandWritten on; 5:55 PM
i went to find jiawei after discussion for geo
saw yunting saying abt'Aska yang'
she's mad over him,
Aska Yang
苦情王子,everybody called him tis way

especially when he PK with 萧敬藤
he wanted to sing another song
bt the host advise him to PK him with <新不了情>
n at the last part,he make a change to de song
tat mak de people there 2 cheer 4 him!!
n he scored 23/25 (tink so,i hav 4gotten)
HandWritten on; 11:47 PM
i hav juz customise my cursor,do u noe??
the arrow thing u c in de computer..
i hav chosen an animal pic_monkey
hahas,de monkey was like 'diao'
hais,waiting 4 my mum 2 b back..11.50,she finally back
Elaine wrote on de tagboard tat i hav spelled her name wrongly
n its true,i hav spelled her name to ElainOng
i hav 4gotten de 'e'!!!
HandWritten on; 2:16 PM
yst met HIM @ MRT platform..
sway,im so unlucky
met yijun too,@ yishun plaform
schul till 11.30,de class hav 2 do spring cleaning till 12
bt actually till 12.15
de stupid teacher la..say there nt clean,here also
can't he just zip his mouth??
2.15 hav 2 fall in 4 speech day
b4 tat we gather 2gether 2 polish our shoe
glad to say,my boots' sides hav shine!!!
4 smthing,de speech day finally is going to start
bt b4 de UGs n band march out, there;s thunder
too bad,hav to cancel de parade
sinyee cry as well as melissa mdm
they hav work so hard bt in de end de parade hav to cancel
isn't tis unfair??!! :(
HandWritten on; 5:29 PM
saw yijun in de mrt when we reach sembawang,
very kelianher eyes were redshe has been so downcast when almost half of de class hats her??im nt quite sure as im nt in 2/7 anymore :(loh,wanted to help bt hav no idea..how?
de feeling really sucks man..束手无策i heard 2 type of story from 2 different peoone of them must hav change some of de content..tis is 2 side de person ownself ba??loh,i hav no idea2day de clouds is so nicelike cotton,u noe?too bad i left my phone in de class.. :(
HandWritten on; 5:05 PM
PTR 2day..n its also de 1st lesson 4 our soul programme..
im having cartooning..we learnt hw 2 draw de xpesssion of a person
hahas,a bit bored..bt still okay as im pending 4ward 2 eat our dinner
we went 2 eat mac..
then waited a long time b4 the PTR starts..
tok bk report bk 2..
badly done..
haiso,my chi n eng really low woh..
when my mum n i walk 2 de mrt,i actually cried..
hahas,very frustrated over my sis n de resuklts i hav gotten
NPCC 2day..wak up lat 2day coz only hav 10 mins 2 prepare..
then chiong 2 mrt bt jiawei nt here
waited n waited
same time tired
slank throughtout as we r nt in speech day contigent
we juz sit 1 side n chit chat..
after training,its was raining..
we run in de rain 2 north point
sinyee,jiawei,kaixin n e all drench xcept mandy
she brought her umbrella
all wet like juz bath
went mac 2 eat n chit chat
while eating, jiawei said mandy kept molesting her
then i said jiawei then molesting mandy
she went diao
by de time we ate finished, we r all dry xcept 4 our hair..
HandWritten on; 3:22 PM
2day reach schul abt 6.55saw shermin,cuishann afiq sitting outside de classde class was locked,can't go inyiyin ncc [hav 2 go camp], SM he didn't bring de keyjiaying nt coming schuldiao, more n more peo reach,bt all having party outside classroomwhile others r inside their own classroomtot tat 2day will be locked outbt mr ong open de door when we r having assemblydiao,how i wish he dun hav de key loh2day maths teach new topic-linear equationfriends listen till blurme? okay la,learn liaothroughout de lesson,bearing with paini tink gastricstupidz lohpainthers change 2 timetable lohend up every tues n thurs hav to stay bk4 2hrs for lunch n remedialdiao,very stupidzn 2mrw pe is 1 n 1/2 hrsdiao,idiotici dun wanSM,2mrw i hav bridging,n speech day rehearsal(which means thers np)n de time crashes with de timein de timetablen i duno wat 2 don i need to polish shoe + file chi wkst + type out de bridging thingyso busy!!!!!!!!!!hate it,really..is like nt enough time 2 spend..thingy loh..LOH!!!
HandWritten on; 6:47 PM
loh,2mrw schul reopen..sian,sad,hai..jus went 2 heymath 2 complete de assignn know wat?due 2day 6pm..diao,then chiong through de processmanaged 2 complete in time____hengbt im bored..sian,nothing 2 doonly cn wonder around @ hm..diao..
HandWritten on; 7:20 PM
haha,i hav finally returned back hm safe n sound..ic said tat it is speech day training.But bullshit loh,its only normal training.plus de msg wrote tat it is compulsory,bt there r still some peophu porn loh.nvr la,ITE its stilll fun..its only causes my back 2 ache??coz we need 2 pull bk our shoulder+look up..n tats is so tiring..+SM we owe 300+ pumpings loh..saw sec1s 2day.they hav received their unit-t..lohs,theirs is almost similar to oursonly tat their crest is colourless..eek,ours much nicer loh..+spot 1 of them brought pepsi bottle instead of ice mountainslack,very slackSM,during de training,group 3 heard rahimi sir scolding sec3i tink is:'use yr BLOODY mind' thingy..lohs,very loudlohs,very fierce
ding,ding,very tired
ding,ding,holiday almost overding,ding,sadding,ding,好闷
HandWritten on; 2:55 PM
HandWritten on; 7:56 PM
today is the heritage trail..we went to singapore river n de labrador park..
tis is 1 of the bridge.. hahas
do u c tat??!! no xcess if u r weigh 3 CWT and to all cattle and horses..
thats the view when we took de bum boat ride.. yaps,tat is so nice!!! of course,i m de photographer!!
next stop,labrador park!! we went there to hav our lunch..its a malay,spicy fried rice n a small box of jelly...yucks,it really dun taste so good..somemore we have to wait a long period b4 the trail starts..
luckily we saw tis!! THE STAR CRUISE!!

tis is the beautiful scene of de labrador park..beutiful rite?? tis is de picture i took after de trail around de park.i still remember very clear tat tis is de pic tat causes my phone to auto-shut down!!
i gt sunburn!
HandWritten on; 6:33 PM
tat is our last day to spent de whole day studying. first period, we r having PE with 1/8
when we are about to be dismiss,we smell some smelly smell..so we tot is de body odour of the guy from 1/8..
bt u noe wat!! its actually de smell of a
brown colour stain on de stains in de indoor sports hall..
yuks!! brown stain is
in light brownwaterysmellydisgustinglooks like a human laosaimost impotantly, someone stepped on it!! coz theres a shoe print on ityuks!!040408
No-uniform day neh!! its also our CSI judging!!
hahas,we de green label went in to the finals!!
hahas,i can't close my jaws!!
today is CHD!! i m so xcited along de trip to rainbow centre!! the children are so adoable!!
HandWritten on; 10:50 AM
i m so happy!!i hav finally completed my run in de cross-country!!
hehe,i ran 2gether with ama,joy,jinjyue at de first place..
bt somehow,jinjyue n i ran forward without noticing,we juz gt sepeated..
next follow by jinjyue n me..
n ended up running with Sijia..
haiso,so tired! so sweaty! i felt dehydrated!!
bt im not!! haha!!
we then board a shuttle bus to sembawang MRT.. along de way,we saw terence n gang..hahas,they so kelian,they hav to walk de way to MRT..
haiso,dun mind them!! de thing tat makes me excited is watching L!! he is so cute!!
okay we tot tat after de credit,there will b showing de conclusion..n noe wat??!!
it was showing L eating his chocolate. n he jump down de chair n walk out de scene.
wakao,we wait abt 5 mins to wait for de credits n we get tat 5second concluson!!??
haiso,watse of time!!